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Windows Games Tips and Cheats.
Windows Freecell Win.
You can force a win with Freecell by holding down the CRTL-SHIFT-F10 together. You will then get a message stating: Choose Abort to win, Retry to Lose, or Ignore to Cancel. Hit Abort and then move a card to the top. It will automatically Win the game for you. Easy Peasy Eh?
More Windows Freecell Cheats.
When you are playing Windows Freecell and you have moved a wrong card, press F10 before clicking on another card, it will allow an undo.
Try these neat little tricks in Windows Freecell; to sort all cards by color and in: ascending order: click Game -> click Select Game (hit F3) -> click Yes to cancel game in progress -> type -1 -> click OK. In descending order: click Game -> click Select Game (hit F3) -> click Yes to cancel game in progress -> type -2 -> click OK.
A neat way to end Freecell without recording a loss when you are losing is to press CTRL + ALT + DEL together and then select End Task to close Freecell. If you get a dialog box to exit Freecell just ignore it and wait for Windows to say the programme isn't responding then try to close it again - when it closes you have ended Freecell without recording a loss.
Windows Minesweeper Timer.
In the game minesweeper that comes with Windows, there is a way to stop the clock. First click somewhere to start the clock. Then hold down the left and right mouse buttons and you should see a 3x3 square imprint on the board. Next hit the ESC key while holding down both mouse buttons, and the timer is stopped!
Windows Minesweeper Cheat.
Here's a neat little cheat to help you with Windows Minesweeper - it works in Windows XP, too. Start Minesweeper and then move the mouse cursor into the battlefield (without clicking on anything). Then type on the keyboard: xyzzy and then press the Shift Key then press the Enter Key twice. You should now see a tiny little white dot in the top left corner of your screen - you will have to look hard as it is only 1 pixel in size, so is minute. Now, whenever you move the mouse cursor over a mine, the pixel will turn to your screen colour (and effectively disappear). This woks, so try it! Minesweeper will never be the same.
Windows Minesweeper Sound Effects.
If you are confident editing system files (BackUp First!) here is a neat little tip to add sound effects to Windows Minesweeper.
Open Windows Notepad (Start > Programs > Accessories) and select All Files. Then open the 'Winmine.ini' file in the Windows folder using Windows Notepad or a similar text editor. Add the line 'Sound=3' to the end of the text file, Save and exit your text editor. If you add a subsequent line 'Tick=1', you'll also hear a bleep as the timer counts up
Windows Solitaire Cheat.
If you are playing Windows Solitaire with the draw three cards option, how about this neat little cheat to allow you to draw one card when it suits YOU. Just press and hold down the Crtl, Alt and Shift keys, then click on the top card and cards will reveal one at a time.