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    afza ahmad's Avatar
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    Default convert it into urdu

    mam ny hamain ye notes english main diye hain please enhy urdu main convert kar dain
    google translate sy sahi nae hoti translation lafz agy pechy
    hoty hain
    Economic System of Islam
    Islam views life as a compact whole and does not divide it into many separate and conflicting parts. The economic aspect is one of the most important parts of our life, while not being the whole of it. The Islamic system is balanced and places everything in its right place. Islam has given detailed regulations for the conduct of our economic life which concerns mainly the earning and use of wealth.
    Man needs bread to live but he does not live for bread alone. This means that earning and spending money is essential for our living, but we do not live only for this. We have a greater purpose in life. We are Allah’s agents (Khalifah) on earth. We not only have a body but we also have a soul and a conscience. Without our soul and conscience, we would be considered little more than animals.
    Everything in Islam is for the benefit and welfare of mankind. The economic principle of Islam aim at establishing a just society wherein everyone will behave responsibly and honestly, and not as ‘cunning foxes’ fighting for as big a share of something as possible without regard for honesty, truth, decency, trust and responsibility.
    The Islamic Economic System is based on the following fundamental principles:
    1. Earning and expenditure by Halal means.
    Islam has prescribed laws to regulate earnings and expenditure. Muslims are not allowed to earn and spend in any way they like. The must follow the rules of the Qur’an and the Sunnah:
    a. Any earnings from the production, sale and distribution of alcoholic drinks are unlawful (Haram), as are earnings from gambling, lotteries and from interest (Riba) transactions (5:90-91, 2:275).
    b. Earning by falsehood, deceit, fraud, theft, robbery and burglary is unlawful. Deceitful acquisition of orphans' property has been particularly banned (2:188, 4:2, 6:152, 7:85, 83:1-5).
    c. Hording of food stuff and basic necessities, smuggling and the artificial creation of shortages are unlawful (3:180, 9:34-35).
    d. Earnings from brothels and from such other practices which are harmful to society are also unlawful (24:23).

    Islam strikes at the root of the evil and wants to establish a just and fair society. A Muslim must earn his living in Halal ways and he should always bear in mind that whatever he does, it is known to Allah. He will be accountable for his actions on the Day of Judgment. He cannot hide anything from Almighty Allah.
    Unlawful expenditure is also not allowed in Islam. It does not at all befit a Muslim to spend money irresponsibly. His actions should be responsible and meaningful. Extravagance and waste are strongly discouraged (7:31, 17:26, 19:27-31, 25:68).
    2. Right to property and individual liberty
    Islam allows a person to own his earnings. The Islamic state does not interfere with the freedom of speech, work and earnings of an individual provided this freedom is not harmful to the greater good of society. Every individual will be answerable to Allah swt for his or her actions (4:7, 36:71, 16:111).
    3. System of Zakah (welfare contribution).
    Compulsory payment of Zakah is one of the main principles of an Islamic economy. Every Muslim who owns wealth more than his needs must pay the fixed rate of Zakah to the Islamic state. Zakah is a means of narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. It helps the fair distribution of wealth. It is a form of social security. The Islamic state is responsible for providing the basic necessities of food, clothing, housing, medicine and education to every citizen. No-one should have any fear of insecurity or poverty (9:69, 103, 98:5).
    4. Prohibition of interest (Riba).
    An Islamic economy is free of interest. Islam prohibits all transactions involving interest.Interest is neither a trade nor a profit. It is a means of exploitation and concentration of wealth. The Qur’an says:
    "They say, trade is like interest and Allah has allowed trade and prohibited interest." (2:275).
    "Whatever you pay as interest, so that it may increase in the property of (other) men, it does not increase with Allah."(30:39).
    "O you who believe, do not take interest, doubling and quadrupling, and keep your duty to Allah, so that you may prosper." (3:130).
    "O you who believe, observe your duty to Allah and give up what remains (due) from interest, if you are believers. But if you do not do it, then be warned of war from Allah and His messenger; and if you repent, then you shall have your capital. Do not exploit and be not exploited." (2:278-279).
    Interest is the basis of modern capitalism. It is completely opposite to Zakah. Zakah channels wealth from the rich to the poor while interest takes away wealth from the poor and hands it over to the rich.
    Modern economics are so inter-linked with interest that people may think it is impossible to go without it.
    The situation is really very complex. But, we must aim at getting rid of interest. Unless people fight against the tyrant rulers and establish an Islamic state -the problems will still be there. Further, until Islamic state established, it will make us feel impossible to solve this Riba (interest) problem.
    Allah swt has not imposed on us something impossible. An interest-free economy will be a boon for all peoples of the world.
    5. Law of Inheritance (Mirath).
    The Islamic law of inheritance is a wonderful system of stopping the concentration of wealth. It provides very detailed laws regarding the rights of dependents over the property of the deceased person. SuratunNisa (chapter four) of the Qur’an deals with the law of inheritance in great detail (4:7-12, 4:176).
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    afza ahmad's Avatar
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    Social Life in Islam
    Family Life in Islam
    FAMILY life is the basis of the Islamic society. Its origin goes back to the beginning of the creation of man and women-- Adam and Eve. So, itis an institution founded by Allah's will. Allah says in the Quraan:
    "Omankind, be mindful of your duty to your Lord who created you from a singlesoul and from it created its mate and from the two created many men and women."(Qur'an 4:1)
    Marriage is the basis of the Islamic family. A good and sound society can only grow if a man and woman are bound in a solid relationship through the sacred contract of marriage.
    Marriage develops love, care and co-operation between the husband and wife. It gives peace of mind and provides a secure atmosphere for the growth andprogress of the whole human race. Without marriage, the human race would cometo a standstill. Marriage was the practice of most of the prophets includingMuhammad (pbuh).
    Marriage is a sacred social contract between a bridegroom and a bride. A greatdeal of thought is necessary therefore before the coupledecide to marry.
    Piety should come before all other considerations. AIIah's prophet said, "Donot marry only for the sake of beauty, maybe the beauty becomes the cause ofmoral decline. Do not marry even for the sake of wealth; maybe the wealthbecomes the reason of disobedience; marryrather on the grounds of religious devotion."
    A Muslim is expected to marry a Muslim although in some cases chaste Jewish andChristian women can be married. However, a Muslim woman is not allowed tomarry a non-Muslim man. In Islam, marriage is a religious and socialinstitution and not simply a sexual relationship.
    Muslim marriages are traditionally arranged by parents but the finalsay lies with the boy and the girl.
    Islam does not allow free mixing of grown-up boys and girls. The Islamic way of life does not approve of theboy-friend/girl-friend system, or mixed parties of grown-ups and the like.
    Islamic society is based on submission and obedience to the will of Allah. Husband and wife, bound by marriage, are Allah's servants and representatives(Khalifah). Marriage must not conflict with the purpose of life (seekingAllah's pleasure), rather it should lead towards its achievement.
    Divorce is allowed but is regarded as the least desirable of all lawful acts. Islam encourages adjustment and happiness but when living together isimpossible, Islamic low does not stand in the way of divorce.
    Women have a very important place in Islamic society. Unlike a number ofother religions, Islam holds a women in high esteem. Her importance as another and a wife has been clearly stated by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).The prophet said, "Paradise lies at the feet of your mothers." Once aperson asked the Prophet, "Who deserves the best care from me?" The Prophetreplied, "Your mother (he repeated this three times), then your father and thenyour nearest relatives."
    In his farewell speech at 'Arafat in the tenth year of the Hijrah, theProphet said,"O people, your wives have certain rights over you and you havecertain rights over them. Treat them well and be kind to them, for they areyour partners and committed helpers."
    The Prophet also said, "Thebest among you is the one who is the best towards his wife."
    These sayings clearly prove the important position given to women in Islam butthere are still people, especially in the West, who have misgivings about thestatus of women in Islam. To these people, the Muslim women is seen as 'Aprisonar in the four walls of the house', a non-person', and 'someone who hasno rights and is living always under the domination of a man'.These notions are totally wrong and are based on ignorance rather thanknowledge of Islam.
    One of the rites of Hajj is the fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah, whichis observed to remember the event of Hajar (Hagar), mother of Prophet Ismail, who ran between these two hills to find water. This is another proof of theimportance given to women by Islam.
    In order to Judge these false ideas held by western people, it would be usefulto survey the attitudes to women in different societies in the past.
    During the Roman civilization, for example, a woman was regarded as a slave. The Greeks considered her a commodity to be bought and sold. EarlyChristianity regarded women as temptresses, responsible for the fall ofAdam.
    In India, the Hindus until recently, considered their women worse than death,pests, serpents or even Hell. A wife's life ended with thedeath of her husband. ln the past, a widow had to jump into the flames of herhusband's funeral pyre.
    In the pre-lslamic state of Arabia, a woman was regarded is a cause for griefand unhappiness and baby girls were sometimes buried alive after birth.
    In France, in 587 CE, a meeting was held to study the status of women and todetermine whether a woman could truly be considered human being or not!. Henry VIII in England forbade the reading of the Bibleby women and throughout the Middle Ages the Catholic Church treated women assecond-class citizens. In the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford, male andfemale students were not given the same rights until 1964. Before 1850, women were not counted as citizens inEngland and English women had no personal rights until 1882'.
    If we keep this picture in mind and look into the position of the women inIslam, we must conclude that lslam liberated women from the dark age ofobscurity fourteen hundred years ago!
    Islam is a religion of common sense and is in line with human nature. Itrecognizes the realities of life. This does not mean it has recognized equality of man and woman in every respect. Rather, it has defined theirduties in keeping with their different biological make-up (2:228). Allah hasnot made man and woman identical, so it would be against nature to try to havetotal equality between a man and a woman.
    That would destroy the social balance. Society would not prosper but wouldinstead have insoluble problems such as broken marriages, illegitimate childrenand the break-up of family life. These problems are already rife in westernsociety. Schoolgirl pregnancies, an increase in abortions, divorce and manyother problems have cropped up because of a permissive outlook and theso-called freedom of women.
    Rights of Women in lslam
    Allah has created every living being in pairs - male and female (51:49) -including mankind. Allah has honored the children of Adam - both male andfemale (17:70). Men and women who believe are protectors of one another (9:71). Allah will reward both men and women in the life after death (3:195).
    In lslam a woman has a distinct and separate identity. Islam has given her theright to own property. She is the owner of her earnings. No-one (father,husband or brother) has a right over them. She can dispose of her earnings andproperty as she wishes, within the bounds of Halal (lawful) and Haram(unlawful).
    lslam has given women a right to inheritance. She has a claim on the propertyof her dead father, husband or childless brother (4:7, 32,176).
    A woman has the right to choose her husband. No-one can impose a decision onher against her will. She has a right to seek separation (Khula') from herhusband if their marriage becomes impossible to sustain.
    If any man falsely questions a woman's chastity, that man is declared unfit forgiving evidence (24:4). This shows how a woman's honour is safeguarded fromfalse accusations.
    The Quran asks the Muslims to treat women kindly (4:19). It makes Muslimhusbands responsible for their wife's maintenance. The women in return, areexpected to remain obedient and chaste (4:34).
    A woman has a right to develop her talents and to work within the Limits oflslam. Islam allows a non-Muslim married woman to retain their religion andher husband cannot interfere in this freedom. This applies to Christian andJewish women with Muslim husbands.
    Duties of a woman in lslam
    lslam is a fair and balanced system of life. While it specifies the rights ofwomen it also lays down duties. A Muslim is expected to observe the following:
    1. Belief in Tawhid and the practice of lslam come first. A Muslim women must perform her Salah, observe Sawm, pay Zakah on her own wealth (If it isapplicable) and go on Hajj if she can afford it. She is exempted from Salahand can defer Sawm during her period, but she must make up the days lostafterwards. Friday prayer (Jumu'ah) is optional for women.
    2. She is required to maintain her chastity all the time. She must not haveany extra-marital relationships. The same is the case with men.
    3. It is her duty to bring up children according to the needs of lslam. Shehas to look after the family and has almost absolute control over domesticaffairs, although the family is run by mutual consultation and co-operation. She is the queen of the family and in charge of domestic life.
    4. She should dress modestly and should put on Hijab (covering cloak) whilegoing out and meeting adult males beyond her close relatives (33:59,24:30-31). She should not wear man's clothing.
    5. She is her husband's help-mate. A faithful wife is like a garment, a Sourceof peace, happiness and contentment for her husband (30:21,2:187).
    6. If she is asked to go against the commands of Allah, she must defy even herhusband, father or brother.
    7. She is expected to protect her husband's property and belongings in hisabsence.
    lslam views a husband and wife as complementary to each other. Neither dominates the other. Each has his or her own individual rights andduties - together they form a peaceful and happy family which is the basis fora sound and prosperous society.
    Man and woman are not exactly equal in lslam. They have different physical andbiological features. lslam recognizes the leadership of a man over a woman(4:34, 2:228) but that does not mean domination.
    An average man is stronger, heavier, harder in muscles and taller than anaverage woman. Women can become pregnant and bear children but men cannot. Women tend to be sensitive, emotional and tender while man are comparativelyless emotional and more practical.
    Throughout history, men and women have never been treated the same. lslam hasgiven women the right position and has notattempted to violate divine laws. Other religions and philosophies have been unable to visualize the exact and right role of women. In the West, women havebeen reduced almost to a commodity of enjoyment and fancy. Women have tendedto degrade themselves unwittingly in modern times for, in the name of equality,they have become the objects of exploitation by men and the slogans of libertyand equality have virtually reduced them to playful commodities. They haveneither gained liberty nor achieved equality; rather they have lost theirnatural place in the home.
    One of the greatest blessings of Islam is its admirable success in creating strong, warm, rich and durable bonds of love and brotherhood between human beings which no other religion has ever dreamed of. Love is the basic food for a wholesome life. Islam is the religion of love and affection. The entire world is a brotherhood of Allah’s people. Love and be loved is the wisdom which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) preached and practiced. Islam establishes human brotherhood on the basis of faith.
    “O, mankind! Surely we have created you of a male and female and make you tribes and families that you know each other, surely the noblest among you unto Allah is one who fears him .Lo! Allah is Knower Aware” Al-Hujurat [49.13]
    This verse of the Glorious Qur’an indicates that the whole human race originated from a single pair of male and female are one brotherhood that has common great-grandparents and ancestors. Islam teaches that all mankind is but one family, as such all man and women are brothers and sisters. This verse also clarifies that the criteria for judgement in the sight of Allah does not depend on caste, colour, creed, gender or wealth, but on Taqwa_God consciousness, piety and righteousness. Any one who is righteous, pious and God-conscious, is honoured in the sight of Allah.

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    Political System of Islam
    Religion and politics are one and the same in Islam. They are intertwined. We already know that Islam is a complete system of life and politics is very much a part of our collective life. Just as Islam teaches us how to say Salah, observe Sawm, pay Zakah and undertake Hajj, so it teaches us how to run a state, from a government, elect councilors and members of parliament, make treaties and conduct business and commerce. Bear in mind that Islamic ruling system is not the same as the ruling system we have in the non-Islamic countries.
    A detailed discussion of the Islamic political system would be desirable, but we have to content ourselves with its basic principles and main features.
    The Islamic Political System is based on the following main principles:
    1. Sovereignty of Allah swt.
    Sovereignty means the source of power. In Islam, Allah is the source of all powers and laws (3:154, 12:40, 25:2, 67:1). It is Allah who knows what is good and what is bad for His servants. His say is final.
    All human beings unitedly cannot change His law. The Qur’an says, "As for the thief -male and female, chope off their hands. It is the reward of their own actions and exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise." (5:37).
    According to Islam, this order is unchangeable by any parliament or any government which claims itself to be Islamic (5:44, 2:229). There are many more laws in the Qur’an concerning our life and those laws must be put to practice by an Islamic state for the greater good of human beings.
    2. Khilafah of Mankind (Vicegerency of man).
    Man is the vicegerent, the agent or the representative of Allah swt on earth (2:30, 6:165). Allah is the sovereign and man is His representative. Man should do as Allah commands him to do. But he has a choice to either obey or disobey Allah and, because of this freedom of choice, he will be tested on the day of judgement. In the political sense, Khilafah means that human beings should implement the will of Allah on earth as His deputy or agent. As Allah’s agents, human beings will carry out the will of Allah swt on His behalf as a trust (Amanah). Khilafah is a trust. An agent is always expected to behave as his master wants him to behave (10:14).
    3. Legislation by Shura (Consultation).
    Islam teaches us to run a government, to make legislation and decisions by the process of Shura. Shura means "to take decisions by consultation and participation" (3:159, 42:38). This is an important part of the Islamic political system. There is no scope for despotism in Islam. The Qur’an and the Sunnah will be the basis of legislation in Islam.
    4. Accountability of government.
    The Islamic political system makes the ruler and the government responsible firstly to Allah and then to the people. The ruler and the government are elected by the people to exercise ‘powers on their behalf. We must remember here that both the ruler and the ruled are the Khalifah of Allah and the ruler shall have to work for the welfare of the people according to the Qur’an and Sunnah. A ruler is a servant of the people of Islam. Both the ruler and the ruled will appear before Allah swt and account for their actions on the Day of Judgment. The responsibility of the ruler is heavier than the ruled.
    Any ordinary citizen of an Islamic state has the right to ask any question on any matter to the ruler and the government.
    5. Independence of judiciary.
    In the Islamic political system, the Judiciary is independent of the Executive. The head of the state or any government minister could be called to the court if necessary. They would be treated no differently from other citizens. The Qur’an has many injunctions about justice. One of the main functions of the Islamic state is to ensure justice to all citizens (4:58, 4:135, 5:8). The ruler and the government has no right to interfere in the system of justice.
    6. Equality before law.
    The Islamic political system ensures equality for all citizens before the law. It does not recognize any discrimination on the basis of language, colour, territory, sex or descent. Islam recognizes the preference of one over the other only on the basis of Taqwa (piety or fear of God). One who fears Allah swt most is the noblest in Islam (49:13).

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    اسلام کا معاشی نظام
    اسلام ایک کمپیکٹ کے طور پر زندگی بھر خیالات اور بہت سے الگ الگ اور متصادم حصوں میں تقسیم نہیں. کے اقتصادی پہلو ہماری زندگی کا اہم ترین حصوں میں سے ایک ہے اس کے پورے ہونے نہیں ہوئے ۔ اسلامی نظام میں متوازن ہے اور ہر چیز میں اپنا درست مقام رکھتا ہے ۔ ہماری معاشی زندگی ہے جو بنیادی طور پر کمانے اور مال و دولت کے استعمال کی نگہبانی کے لیے تفصیلی ضوابط اسلام نے دیا ہے ۔
    آدمی رہنے کے لئے روٹی کی ضرورت ہے لیکن اس نے روٹی کے لئے ہی نہیں رہتا ہے ۔ اس کا مطلب ہے کہ کمانے اور خرچ ہمارے رہنے کے لئے ضروری ہے، لیکن ہم اس کے لئے صرف نہیں رہتے ہیں ۔ ہم زندگی میں ایک عظیم تر مقصد ہے ۔ ہم زمین پر اللہ کے ایجنٹس (خلیفه) ہیں ۔ ہم نہ صرف ایک جسم ہے لیکن ہمیں بھی ایک روح اور ایک ضمیر ہے ۔ ہماری روح اور ضمیر کے بغیر ہم جانوروں سے تھوڑا سا زیادہ تصور کیا جائے گا ۔
    اسلام میں ہر چیز فائدہ اور بنی نوع انسان کی فلاح و بہبود کے لئے ہے ۔ اسلام کا مقصد جس میں ہر شخص ذمہ اور دیانت داری ویسی ہی ہوں گی ایک منصفانہ معاشرے کے قیام میں، اور کے طور پر نہیں 'شاطر لومڑ کے طور پر بڑے بڑے امید ہے ایک حصہ بلا لحاظ ایمانداری، سچائی، شائستگی، ممکنہ حد تک کے طور پر کچھ نہ کچھ لڑائی' اور ذمہ داری کے معاشی اصول ہے ۔
    اسلامی اقتصادی نظام مندرجہ ذیل بنیادی اصولوں پر مبنی ہے:
    1. کمائی اور حلال کی طرف سے اخراجات کا مطلب ہے ۔
    اسلام آمدنی و خرچ کو منظم کرنے کے لیے قوانین ثابت اور مشروع ہے ۔ مسلمان کمانے اور پسند ہے وہ کسی بھی طرح میں خرچ کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ۔ قرآن اور سنت کے اصول پر عمل کرنا چاہیے:
    اے کوئی آمدنی کی پیداوار، فروخت اور نشا دلانے والی ڈرنک کی تقسیم سے غیر قانونی (حرام)، ہیں جتنے جوا، لاٹریاں اور سود (سود) کے لین دین سے آمدنی (5:90-91، 2:275) ۔
    "جو کچھ بھی آپ کو دلچسپی کے طور پر ادا کرتے تا کہ اس کے (دوسرے) مرد کی ملکیت میں اضافہ ہو سکتا، یہ اللہ کے پاس نہیں اضافہ کرتا ہے."(30:39) ۔
    "اے تم میں سے جو ایمان لائے، نہ سود، عورتوں اور قدروپلانگ لے، اور تاکہ تم فلاح تمہارا فرض اللہ کے لئے رکھ دیں ۔ (3:130) ۔
    "اے تم میں سے جو ایمان لائے، تمہارا فرض اللہ کا مشاہدہ اور اگر تم ایمان والے ہو تو کیا (سود سے کی وجہ سے) رہتا ہے اپ دے ۔ لیکن اگر تم ايسا نہيں كرو گے تو پھر اللہ اور اس کے رسول سے جنگ کا انتباہ دیا جائے ۔ اور اگر تم توبہ کریں تو پھر آپ اپنے دارالحکومت ہوگا ۔ نہ ان کا استحصال ہے اور نہ فائدہ اٹھایا جائے ۔ (2:278-279).
    سود جدید سرمایہ دارانہ نظام کی بنیاد ہے ۔ یہ مکمل طور پر زاکہ کے برعکس ہے ۔ سود جبکہ غریبوں کے لئے دولت سے زاکہ چینلز دولت دور مال و دولت سے غریب ہے لیتا ہے اور مالدار کو ہاتھوں ہے ۔
    جدید دور کی معاشیات تو بین مربوط دلچسپی ہوتی ہے جو لوگوں کا خیال ہے یہ ناممکن ہے اس کے بغیر جانے کے ہیں ۔
    حالات واقعی بہت پیچیدہ ہے ۔ لیکن ہم کے مفاد میں سے نجات حاصل کرنے کا مقصد ہوگا ۔ جب تک لوگ ظالم حکمرانوں کے خلاف لڑنے اور ایک اسلامی قائم ریاست - مسائل ابھی بھی ہو جائے گا وہاں ۔ مزید یہ کہ اسلامی ریاست تک قائم یہ ہم اس اورجانوروں کے مسئلے کو حل کرنے کے لئے یہ ناممکن محسوس کو کریں گے.
    اللہ ہم پر کسی ناممکن چیز نافذ کر دی نہیں ۔ سود سے پاک معیشت دنیا کی تمام قوموں کے لیے ایک نعمت ہو جائے گا ۔
    5 ۔ قانون وراثت (ماریٹہ) کا ہے ۔
    شرعی قانون وراثت کے مال و دولت کے ارتکاز کو روکنے کا ایک حیرت انگیز نظام ہے ۔ اس کے مرحوم شخص کی ملکیت پر منحصرات کے حقوق کے بارے میں بہت تفصیلی قوانین فراہم کرتا ہے ۔ سراتونناس (باب چار) قرآن کی تفصیل (4:7-12، 4:176) میں میراث کے قانون سے متعلق ہے ۔

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    Quote WAQAS1412 said: View Post
    اسلام کا معاشی نظام
    اسلام ایک کمپیکٹ کے طور پر زندگی بھر خیالات اور بہت سے الگ الگ اور متصادم حصوں میں تقسیم نہیں. کے اقتصادی پہلو ہماری زندگی کا اہم ترین حصوں میں سے ایک ہے اس کے پورے ہونے نہیں ہوئے ۔ اسلامی نظام میں متوازن ہے اور ہر چیز میں اپنا درست مقام رکھتا ہے ۔ ہماری معاشی زندگی ہے جو بنیادی طور پر کمانے اور مال و دولت کے استعمال کی نگہبانی کے لیے تفصیلی ضوابط اسلام نے دیا ہے ۔
    آدمی رہنے کے لئے روٹی کی ضرورت ہے لیکن اس نے روٹی کے لئے ہی نہیں رہتا ہے ۔ اس کا مطلب ہے کہ کمانے اور خرچ ہمارے رہنے کے لئے ضروری ہے، لیکن ہم اس کے لئے صرف نہیں رہتے ہیں ۔ ہم زندگی میں ایک عظیم تر مقصد ہے ۔ ہم زمین پر اللہ کے ایجنٹس (خلیفه) ہیں ۔ ہم نہ صرف ایک جسم ہے لیکن ہمیں بھی ایک روح اور ایک ضمیر ہے ۔ ہماری روح اور ضمیر کے بغیر ہم جانوروں سے تھوڑا سا زیادہ تصور کیا جائے گا ۔
    اسلام میں ہر چیز فائدہ اور بنی نوع انسان کی فلاح و بہبود کے لئے ہے ۔ اسلام کا مقصد جس میں ہر شخص ذمہ اور دیانت داری ویسی ہی ہوں گی ایک منصفانہ معاشرے کے قیام میں، اور کے طور پر نہیں 'شاطر لومڑ کے طور پر بڑے بڑے امید ہے ایک حصہ بلا لحاظ ایمانداری، سچائی، شائستگی، ممکنہ حد تک کے طور پر کچھ نہ کچھ لڑائی' اور ذمہ داری کے معاشی اصول ہے ۔
    اسلامی اقتصادی نظام مندرجہ ذیل بنیادی اصولوں پر مبنی ہے:
    1. کمائی اور حلال کی طرف سے اخراجات کا مطلب ہے ۔
    اسلام آمدنی و خرچ کو منظم کرنے کے لیے قوانین ثابت اور مشروع ہے ۔ مسلمان کمانے اور پسند ہے وہ کسی بھی طرح میں خرچ کرنے کی اجازت نہیں ۔ قرآن اور سنت کے اصول پر عمل کرنا چاہیے:
    اے کوئی آمدنی کی پیداوار، فروخت اور نشا دلانے والی ڈرنک کی تقسیم سے غیر قانونی (حرام)، ہیں جتنے جوا، لاٹریاں اور سود (سود) کے لین دین سے آمدنی (5:90-91، 2:275) ۔
    "جو کچھ بھی آپ کو دلچسپی کے طور پر ادا کرتے تا کہ اس کے (دوسرے) مرد کی ملکیت میں اضافہ ہو سکتا، یہ اللہ کے پاس نہیں اضافہ کرتا ہے."(30:39) ۔
    "اے تم میں سے جو ایمان لائے، نہ سود، عورتوں اور قدروپلانگ لے، اور تاکہ تم فلاح تمہارا فرض اللہ کے لئے رکھ دیں ۔ (3:130) ۔
    "اے تم میں سے جو ایمان لائے، تمہارا فرض اللہ کا مشاہدہ اور اگر تم ایمان والے ہو تو کیا (سود سے کی وجہ سے) رہتا ہے اپ دے ۔ لیکن اگر تم ايسا نہيں كرو گے تو پھر اللہ اور اس کے رسول سے جنگ کا انتباہ دیا جائے ۔ اور اگر تم توبہ کریں تو پھر آپ اپنے دارالحکومت ہوگا ۔ نہ ان کا استحصال ہے اور نہ فائدہ اٹھایا جائے ۔ (2:278-279).
    سود جدید سرمایہ دارانہ نظام کی بنیاد ہے ۔ یہ مکمل طور پر زاکہ کے برعکس ہے ۔ سود جبکہ غریبوں کے لئے دولت سے زاکہ چینلز دولت دور مال و دولت سے غریب ہے لیتا ہے اور مالدار کو ہاتھوں ہے ۔
    جدید دور کی معاشیات تو بین مربوط دلچسپی ہوتی ہے جو لوگوں کا خیال ہے یہ ناممکن ہے اس کے بغیر جانے کے ہیں ۔
    حالات واقعی بہت پیچیدہ ہے ۔ لیکن ہم کے مفاد میں سے نجات حاصل کرنے کا مقصد ہوگا ۔ جب تک لوگ ظالم حکمرانوں کے خلاف لڑنے اور ایک اسلامی قائم ریاست - مسائل ابھی بھی ہو جائے گا وہاں ۔ مزید یہ کہ اسلامی ریاست تک قائم یہ ہم اس اورجانوروں کے مسئلے کو حل کرنے کے لئے یہ ناممکن محسوس کو کریں گے.
    اللہ ہم پر کسی ناممکن چیز نافذ کر دی نہیں ۔ سود سے پاک معیشت دنیا کی تمام قوموں کے لیے ایک نعمت ہو جائے گا ۔
    5 ۔ قانون وراثت (ماریٹہ) کا ہے ۔
    شرعی قانون وراثت کے مال و دولت کے ارتکاز کو روکنے کا ایک حیرت انگیز نظام ہے ۔ اس کے مرحوم شخص کی ملکیت پر منحصرات کے حقوق کے بارے میں بہت تفصیلی قوانین فراہم کرتا ہے ۔ سراتونناس (باب چار) قرآن کی تفصیل (4:7-12، 4:176) میں میراث کے قانون سے متعلق ہے ۔

    sahi nahi hy sir

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