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Google Chrome - Web Browser production Google open source software, which combines support for Web applications and easy search with high speed and stability. In Chrome use of use Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox. Of the features of Chrome developers highlights isolated tabs to prevent the failure of the program and provide more protection from dangerous sites. In addition, Chrome has a new engine javascript V8, which enables the browser to work with Web applications, the new generation.

Google Chrome includes a variety of functions, controlling which webmasters can improve the convenience for end users. In Google Chrome, embedded software for Gears, enabling webmasters to take advantage of the API, for example, the function of storage offline. In addition, Google Chrome your web application does not differ from the "desktop" software, so the browser can run in a mode with a minimalist user interface - which displays only one title.

Google Chrome also uses a completely new system of javascript (V8), which is much faster than existing interpreter javascript. This means that you can create more complex and detailed AJAX applications with fewer restrictions on speed and handling. Finally, the Google Chrome browser based on WebKit, so Google Chrome users will be able to use functions CSS3, which will be added to WebKit after its official release.

"One box for everything
"Dynamic tabs
"Application shortcuts
"Crash control
"Integration with Google Gears
"Incognito mode
"Safe Browsing
"Multithreading and no freezes browser
"Instant bookmarks
"Import settings from other browsers
"Simplified downloads
"Behind each tab a separate process is fixed
"Using a very simple and fast WebKit engine for rendering HTML
"Multilanguage support and easy to use browser
"Timely updates of components of the program

Operating system: Windows ® XP / Vista / Seven
Language: Multilanguage
Released: 2011

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