Country specific ban of Google adsense:
Why you are Pakistani? Now Google Hate Pakistanies! Google asking and disabled Pakistani bloggers and original sites Adsense accounts with genuine content, Google had disabled the ad serving due to layout designed in a way that can cause accidental clicks by placing ads near flash games or navigation bars, or placing ads and site links extremely close together. Google also has issues with ads being placed on non-content based pages. Its a conspiracy against Pakistan. People who allegedly conspire should seriously reassess their blogs/sites to see what they did wrong. Adsense ban is neither new or surprising, Google actively disables Adsense accounts for websites who lack originality or otherwise offer we poor user-experiance and not to mention violate the Adsense TOS which I guess you’re already familiar to. However what was little surprising to me actually was that, this time the Adsense ban was country-specific.
Google categorically has been saying in the past, that don’t make websites to manipulate SERP results or draw good number of visitors to your website by guessing what people would be searching and then stuff those keywords in post titles etc and ultimately convert that traffic into money with Adsense. But it’s only been recently that they have started implementing this policy through, Google Panda update and Adsense ban. They are doing so to discourage sploggers, copy/paste bloggers, rewriters, spin writers etc who add no value. They just write article just for the sake of driving traffic from SERP and make money with Adsense.
If you are one of those, I have been one too, but I abandoned this path, as I didn’t see it as a respectable manner of making living online. You must stop doing so that too. Not everyone can make a good living online and you don’t have to either. Perhaps you could be more skilful in other ways of life where you can make far much money offline using you skills and knowledge you might have. Bottom-line is, If you cannot write original, valuable, useful and informative articles then Google is no more your friend in your Online publishing.
It’s not like everyone out there is a spun-writer, there are a very few people here in Pakistan who are very qualified in their niche, intelligent, passionate and hardworking. hence are making millions of Rs. per month over US $20K a month just from a single blog. And there is no reason why you can’t be one of them, but it takes hard work and consistent effort to reach there. Those guys are self-motivated, self-taught about blogging, wise, tactful and genius. So before you start your journey to Millions a month Blogging, you must make sure that you have all the above characteristics. Always keep learning experimenting and making wise decisions.
Imran Jafri said, I still stand by all those words I have said couple of days back. Which sum up that we all should try our best to make the Internet awesome, It’s everyone’s property. It’s like everyone’s home because most of the guys like me spend more time online than offline. Therefore we should not misuse it in anyway and using Adsense to milk pennies from it by creating low quality content is just another example of it. As the Google’s rampage on Pakistani Publishers started last week and apparently it’s still on as many of publishers are still complaining about it and also today my own Adsense account was banned.
I was just expecting them to tell me that they have user experience issue with my site as most of those web-masters were told in the email. However Google was smart enough they didn’t, instead they figured another reason. had they said they have user experience issue with my site I would have burst-ed their arse, heck I would still do. Because I believe my blog offers better user-experience than the Google’s own official blog.
So what does Adsense ban to me? It doesn’t mean anything. I’m relaxed, and just deleted Adsense team email as I would delete any other auto email from any other service. Heck, I wasn’t even using Adsense on all of my sites. I hate to monetize sites in the first place, unless I have to recover some CDN Bandwidth costs etc, but here is another interesting part today I made $950 from my shipping business. This is my single day revenue. I don’t make that much money every day but it can give you a hint, and as noted in my another post here, not everyone can make money online. There are far many opportunities offline, if you don’t succeed online it’s not the end of the World. You can try other niches both in Online and offline world.
Imran Jafri said, “if you’re wondering why am I still upset with Google? Well, it’s not because of the Adsense ban. It’s because they have built their empire using the content of the publishers for years and now they are controlling publishers content in the way they suits their interests after having built $200 B worth empire.
“I’m facing really serious problem with the adsense account I have 5 websites and yesterday I got message from Google that my account is disabled, there was no bad activity on my sites or no bad click, the account was four years old, I want to know that how I can get my account back of can I apply for new account on same sites and with same name because I cant change my name or my sites” Toqueer said. If you are looking any other program like Google adsense then try Chitika its a good program.