Asslam Alaikum
Hello guys, i need your help

A multinational company organise a innovative i mean evolution project for the guys youngster in Pakistan
so in this regards i need your help,help which is that i needed that what new should come in technology Market like Steve jobs announced ipod and mac system and a lot same as Mark zuckberg announced social networking so guys tell me a wonderful idea regards innovative idea that what should come in that the industry should work i have participated and working over it actually i have ideas to work over it like

wireless censor device
or web security
or World disaster that the guys having flood or passed from earthquake that in
future or there should a system to help or search them etc
Please help me i m in search of project

you may put your ideas from various sides like networking social networking and web world or security even IT or SOFTWARE side

please help guys and make this thread special anyhow i have to submitted the project it will not only make me in profit but the world will have a new technology it can be because of we all are one and will work on this thread and through unity will put our ideas and do discussion and InshAllah will win