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Thread: پشتو متلونه

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    He is a Shia's tomb; white outwardly, but black inside.
    دي د شيعه قبر دي، څرګند سپين او په کښي تور دي
    Said of a plausible humbug, with a handsome exterior, and empty head. This is a Bannuchi metaphor. All Bannuchis are Sunnis and no Shia is found amongst them or the Marwats. Thus they never miss an opportunity of vilifying Shias.

    Though a Khattak is a good horseman, still he is a man of but one charge.
    خټک که ښه سوار دي، د يوه وار دي
    This is a Marwat proverb. It means that the Khattak's may be good at their work but they get disheartened quickly or their potential is not up to mark.

    Friendship is good with everyone, except a Khattak. May the devil seize the Khattak.
    ياري له هر چا سره ښه دي، بي خټکه پيټ خټکه
    A Khattak is here equivalent to a bad man. This saying is attributed to Khushal Khan Khattak, a celebrated Khattak chief, who lived in the reign of Aurangzeb, and who had reason to curse the faithlessness of his country-men.

    The Dharamsal's Pillar will not be without a Hindu's loin cloth.
    د دهرمسال مټه بي له چوتي نه وي
    The allusion is to the custom of Hindus, who, after bathing, go direct to their dharamsal, or house of worship, and, after changing their bathing drawers, perform their devotions. Pathans laugh at the tight fitting loin-cloths or drawers, worn by Hindus, as will be seen in Proverb number 18. Here the meaning is that a bad man has bad ways.

    Who marries not an Isaki woman, deserves an ass (donkey) for a spouse.
    چه نه کړي عيسکئي يا به خره کړي يا به سپئي
    The Isaki women are said to be very pretty. The tribe compose of one of the sections into which the Bannuchis are divided.

    The Mughal tyrannizes over the cultivator, and the cultivator over the earth.
    د مغل زور په دهقان، د دهقان په زمکه

    If a Hindkai cannot do you any harm, as he goes along the road, he will leave you a bad smell.
    د هندکي که نور د بدو لاس نه در رسي خو چه په لاري ځي پسکه به در وکي
    This is a Bannuchi saying. Hindkais settled amongst them are mostly Awans, and compose the 'Hamsaya' class. At first, they were entirely dependent on their Pathan masters and very submissive towards them, but being better labourers, and more thrifty, they gradually acquired land and increased in numbers, which, naturally enough, has prevented them from being popular amongst the Bannuchis, or rather Pathan Bannuchis, as 'Hindkais' are now, to all intents and purposes, Bannuchis themselves, having been settled from two to five or more generations in the valley. Their old masters are fond of ascribing to them all those vices which we know they themselves possess.

    Though you duck a Hindkai in the water, his seat will remain dry.
    هندکي که په اوبو ډوب کړي ، کونه به ئي وچه پاته شي
    So they say in Egypt, "Cast him into the Nile, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth." Means that, do what you may, Hindkais are always lucky.

    Kill not a black snake, but a black Jatt.
    تور مار مه وژنه، خو تور جټ مړ کړه
    In the word Jatt, the Hindkai in particular is meant, but after him all those cultivators who talk any dialect of Punjabi are included.

    Who says of 'Uba' as 'Pani', place his head under the stone.
    چه اوبو ته وائي پاني، سر ئي لاندي کړه تر کانړي

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    What is the Hindu dance but to open and close the hands.
    د هندوانو ګډيدل څه دي، موټي موټي نيول، موټي ړنګول
    Said in derision of the slow measured movements of legs and arms in the 'Nach'. A Pathan dance being all life, hands and feet flying about in all directions like Catherine wheels.

    Fire and water are in common, but not so with the Hindu
    اور اوبو سره شريک دي خو نه له هندوانو سره
    The Hindu draws his own water, and cooks and eats his food alone, both of which proceedings are considered to be comically stupid by a Pathan, who does the reverse, and likes society at all times.

    When a Hindu becomes bankrupt, he looks up his old account books.
    هندو چه ديواليه شي، نو زړي پوټي را واخلي
    To see whether there is any little outstanding item, which, with interest added, would not assist him in his difficulty.

    The Hindus cooking circle is purified with dung.
    د هندو چوکه د لدو په اخيړ پاکيږي
    The dung itself is stinking and unclean, yet the Hindu uses it as a purifier. Means that an unclean man, attempt what he may, cannot cleans himself.

    A Sikh's origin is his hair
    د سيکه اصل په ويښتو دي
    Meaning that any low fellow can become a Sikh if he lets his hair grow long.

    If a Wazir makes an attack, he will expose his naked back.
    وزير که منډ که خپله کونه به بر منډ که
    This is a Bannuchi proverb. A Wazir fights behind entrenchments, but not in the open; should he attempt to charge he will, according to the proverb, have to run away defeated.

    The threads of the cloth have concealed sense from the weaver.
    له جولانه عقل د نانړئي تارو پټ کړي دي
    Owing to their occupation keeping them at home, and their minds fixed on their threads, weavers are considered little better than idiots, and are, as a matter of fact, as a class, remarkably unintelligent.

    The use of the Hindu's loin-cloth is for cutting his person.
    د هندو چوتي د کوني څيرول دي

    One hundred Dawarh's (are not equal to) one stick.
    سل دوړ، د يوه لوړ
    Means that a man armed with a good cudgel would defeat one hundred of them. Like the Bannuchis, the Dawarh's are looked down upon by Marwats and Wazirs.

    The Jadrans, (Zadran) the hill wolves, bring a fine on Bannu.
    جدران د غره ليوان، په بنو راوړي تاوان

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    A Shias ablution is not nullified by his passing of wind.
    د شيعه اودس په ټيز نه ماتيږي
    Such an accident renders a Sunni unclean, consequently, when it occurs, he has to perform his ablutions over again before he can pray. The meaning is that nothing will put a shameless man to blush.

    A hill man is no man
    د غره سړي، نه سړي

    By the dwellers in the plains he is looked on as a wild beast.

    Don't class 'Sargarai' as grass, nor a hill man as a human being.
    سر ګړي په وشکي مه ګنړه، د غره سړي په سړي مه ګنړه

    The drum was beating in the plain, and the Bettani was dancing on the hill.
    ډول په سمه واهه شه او بيټني په غره کښي ورته ګډيدل
    This is a Marwat saying, about the stupidity of their hill neighbours.

    The Pathan eats his enemy, the Hindu his friend.
    پښتون دښمن خوري او هندو سجنړ خوري
    A Pathan thinks a Hindus love of money is so great, that to gain a rupee he would cheat his own father or mother if he could.

    Peshawar flour won't be without 'Jwar', a Kabul woman won't be without a lover.
    د پيښور اوړه به بې جواره نه وي، او د کابل ښځه به بې ياره نه وي
    Peshawar flour is said to be generally adulterated, I do not know whether there is any truth in the assertion or not. The latter part of the proverb is well known to be true, and is mentioned in Burnes in his "Cabool"

    Don't trust the Moghul's letters. Of the Mughals first letters, than armies.
    باور مه کړه د مغل په کاغزونو، د مغل اول کاغز، بسې فوزونه

    What is in deposit with a Hindu, is in a grain safe
    چه په هندو شې، په کندو شې
    It is pleasant to find one proverb even in praise of a Hindu, and here the praise is well deserved.

    One hundred Bettanis eat one hundred sheep.
    سل بيټنو سل پسونه اوخړل
    Said of men or families whose domestic economy is badly regulated, the Bettanis being very bad managers in household concerns.

    Get round a Pathan by softy coaxing him, but take up a clod for a Hindkai.
    پښتون ورو ورو غولوه، هندکي ته لوټه څيروه

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    On his forehead is light, whose sword tip is red (with blood)
    ځه د توري ووزي ئي سور وي د هغه په ټنده نور وي
    That is, he who has killed his man is a fine fellow. Good looks and brave deeds accompany each other.

    One is equal to one hundred, and one hundred to (so much) earth.
    يو په سل، او سل په خاورو
    One brave man is equal to one hundred cowards.

    Either a brave man wields the sword, or one red from grief (i.e., desperate)
    توري يا با تور وهي، يا ئي له غمه سور وهي

    When the wolf gets red, he becomes an ugly customer.
    ليوه چه سور کيږي ګنده کيږي
    Bannuchis say this of Wazirs, but its general application is that a bad man, whom one has punished or injured, becomes all the more dangerous.

    Shoes are tested on the feet; a man in a row.
    پنړي په پښو کښي څرګنديږي او ميړه په بدو کښي بلنګ کيږي

    Against a sword assume a shield, against words a bold front.
    توري ته ګنډي نيسه ، خبرو ته تندي نيسه

    Desire a man's disposition, and a lion's heart.
    د ميړه خوي او د زمري زړه غواړه

    The sword's fellowship is sweet.
    د توري وروري خوږه ده
    One brave man admires another.

    Look at a man's deeds, not whether he is tall or short
    ميړه په عمل څيروه ، غټ او ووړئي مه څيروه

    The sword is wielded through family
    توري په پيډ و هلي شي

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    I would rather be a childless mother, than that you should run from the battle-field
    زه د بوره يم خو چه ميدان پرينږدي
    Said by a mother to her son.

    Other brave men do not seize on the wealth of him who binds on his arms.
    چه و تړي برګونه مال ئي نه خوري نور ميړو نه

    Who passes through in one (case), becomes a lion in another
    چه په يوه تير شي په بله شير شي

    Who has the power to fight lays conference aside.
    چه اختيار د جنګ لري پوښتنه په څنګ لري

    Although there are many roads, for men there is only one (i.e., the straightest)
    لاري ډيري دي خو د ميړو لار يوه ده

    True men are not God, but are not without God either.
    ميړونه که خداي نه دي، بي خدايه هم نه دي

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    To a true man his sickle is an Afghan knife.
    ميړه چه ميړه وي، لور ئي چاړه وي

    May you rather die in fight, my son, than be disgraced before the enemy.
    په تورو مړ شي ځويه نه چه دښمن ته خړ شي ځويه

    The tiger rends his prey, the jackal, too, benefits by it.
    زمري ما ته وکه د ګيدړ هم په ښه شي
    The jackal is a tiger's attendant, and eats his leavings. The meaning is that a strong man both maintains himself and his dependents.

    The load which the ass won't carry, you yourself will carry.
    بار چه خر نه وړي نو په خپله به ئي وړي
    When a brave man can't get assistance readily, he sets to work and does without it.

    I would rather be a childless mother, than that you should run from the battle-field
    زه د بوره يم خو چه ميدان پرينږدي

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    The spectator is a great hero (i.e., criticizes freely)
    نند ارڅي باتور دي

    Though you are of the border, I am of the woods.
    که ته د ور غړ يي زه ده ځنګل يم
    Means "I am as good a man as you"

    The clod does not miss the dock-eared dog.
    لوټه له بوړي سپي نه خطا کيږي
    Such dogs are the best fighters, and, when barking at any one, approach so near him that a clod thrown at them is sure to hit; whereas, the common village curs keep, when barking, at a respectful distance. The application is that the more reckless of danger a man is, the greater the chances of his getting hurt.

    For a man, either a swift flight or a swift blow.
    د ميړه يا ترپ دي يا ئي خړپ
    That is, either "discretion" in running away, "is the better part of valour," or a sudden bold attack.

    If there be not a leader, there won't be a crossing; If there be not Gold, there won't be Eid.
    چه سر نه وي ګودر نه وي، چه زر نه وي اختر نه وي

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    The clod does not miss the dock-eared dog.
    لوټه له بوړي سپي نه خطا کيږي
    Such dogs are the best fighters, and, when barking at any one, approach so near him that a clod thrown at them is sure to hit; whereas, the common village curs keep, when barking, at a respectful distance. The application is that the more reckless of danger a man is, the greater the chances of his getting hurt.

    For a man, either a swift flight or a swift blow.
    د ميړه يا ترپ دي يا ئي خړپ
    That is, either "discretion" in running away, "is the better part of valour," or a sudden bold attack.

    If there be not a leader, there won't be a crossing; If there be not Gold, there won't be Eid.
    چه سر نه وي ګودر نه وي، چه زر نه وي اختر نه وي
    Until some man tries the depth and the bottom, whether firm or a quicksand, it is impossible to say where the ford is.

    See a man all round, a dog of a fellow may be a good swordsman.
    د ميړه خو ډول ګوره، توري سپي سړي وهي
    When forming judgement as to a man's worth, do not regard only one or two points, e.g., his skill with the sword, but study him all round, and strike the balance from the general result.

    The thorn which is sharp is so from its youth
    اغزي چه تيره وي له کمه ځايه وي

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    You will then learn your measure, when you spend a night with your match.
    هاله به ئي زده شي چه انډول په انډول شپه شي

    Say not thus, "I am," or you will become as I am.
    داسي مه وايه چه زه يم، داسي به شي لکه چه زه يم
    Said by a small man to a great man and a boaster.

    The frog mounted a clod, and said he had seen Kashmir
    جيندخه په لوټه وخته ويل ئي چه کشمير مي وليده
    Said of small men, in derision of their vain-glorious trumpeting of their own great deeds.

    Though I am but a straw, I am as good as you.
    که خس يم د تا بس يم
    Pathans act on the principle that "Jack is as good as his master", each believing himself as good as any other man.

    The slave is down, but his vaunting is up.
    مريي لاندي، غوره ئي باندي

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    Weep, oh Omar! then you would not eat the thousand-holed food; now you must content yourself with dry Pulao.
    ژاړه عمره ژاړه، هاله د نه خوړي هزار سوراخي اوس د وچ پلاؤ محتاج شوي
    Omar was a Marwat and married well in a foreign country. After a time he became home-sick, longing to see his sandy fields again; and whilst eating dry Pulao, a very dainty dish, repeated the above to himself aloud so often as to arouse his wife's curiosity. "'Tis what I used to eat at home," said her husband, sighing. So she consented to go to Marwat with him, in order to taste the wonderful "thousand-holed" food. When she got there, she found it was only a Bajra Cake, the coarsest of food, and so called owing to the number of air-bubbles which arise in it when being baked. The moral is that every man boasts of his native land, so when telling about it should not be believed.

    Small mouth, big words.
    وړوکي خوله لويي خبري
    So we say, "Great cry, little wool," and "Great boast, small roast."

    What is a small hare, what is its load?
    څه سوي ګي څه ئي بار ګي

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    You have plundered the country, oh Kite! by your blustering; you will not let me seize you.
    وطن دي لوټ که په ټس او ټوسه، په لاس به را نشي ټپوسه
    The words rendered "blustering" mean literally, the swishing noise made by a large bird when making a swoop. The meaning is, that a cowardly bully robs one, and, before the victim can recover from his first surprise, runs away.

    Is a dog or a soldier the better? Confound the soldier who praises himself.
    سپي ښه دي که سپاهي، ورک شه سپاهي چه په خپله ځان ستايئي

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    He eats greens, and breathes Pulao
    خوري ساګ او پسکئي د پلاؤ اچوي
    Said of a man who is "vox et praeterea nihil"

    A great sound is given forth from the empty vessel.
    له خالي لوښي لوي اواز خيژي
    So in English, "Empty vessels make the loudest sounds;" and in the Scriptures, "A fool's voice is known by the multitude of words."

    Here is a yard measure, and here is some level ground.
    دغه ګز دغه ميدان دي

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