I have brought a website builder named "Trellian Webpage".
WebPage Features
Import pages
You can easily download the current version of your web pages for editing.

Absolute positioning of HTML elements
Makes layering elements easy!

Color highlighted HTML Editor
Simplifies source code editing.

Meta Tag editor
Meta tags help to describe your pages to visitors and search engines.

Drag & drop interface
Drag elements, such as images, rather than trying to edit the code.

Built-in document spellchecker
No more uploading pages with spelling mistakes!

Easy image conversion and resampling tools
Convert images to various formats.

Undo function
Easily undo any changes by clicking the undo button.

Split screen editor mode
Edit your source code and instantly see the changes to your page.

Preview mode
Preview your page in various resolutions eg. 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x786.

Intuitive Interface
The most commonly used features are easily accessible via buttons.

Download Here: