Its a request to nts that as nts
announced 2nd phase for nts
educators test and said that candidates who applied in first
phase will not be considered for
phase 2, its a request that to make
the all nts test process just, dont
allow any, even one candidate of
first phase for the same post in 2nd phase as i know people are thinking
to apply again if they fail in 1st
phase... Agr aik bar fail honay
walay ko dobara allow kia gaya
nts test k ley to nts test will be
just a formality and not a standard.. Just allow those who
were unable to apply for 1st phase.
Agr aik bar fail honay walay
again test de kr pass kr letay hain
to us test ko accep nahi kiya jaye ga us ko 1st phase pe har surat 1st phase pe pass krna zrore ha otherwise next time "nts" me naa ahal ha. . .