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Thread: Hazrat Jaberial a.s & Thousands of Angels on the Birth of Hazrat Imam Husain (a.s)

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    azfarzz is offline Junior Member
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    Default Hazrat Jaberial a.s & Thousands of Angels on the Birth of Hazrat Imam Husain (a.s)

    Ref's from Sunni Books,
    There is a difference of opinion among the Shi'ah and Sunni Scholars, traditionists and historians regarding the day, month and year of the birth of Imam Husain (A.S.). Some opine that he was born on the third of the month of Sha'ban or fifth of the same month, or on the fifth of the month of Jamadi' ul Ula forth year after Migration (Hijrah), while some say that it was in the end of the month of Rabi' ul Ula third year after Migration.
    Thus, Shaikh Toosi in his Tahzeeb, Shaikh Shaheed al Awwal in his Duroos, and Shaikh Bahai in his Tawzeehal Maqasid unanimously agree and accept the tradition of Siqatul Islam (the Trustworthy Authority of Islam) Shaikh Kulaini (May Allah sanctify his grave), that Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (A.S.) said that,
    "The distance between (the birth of) Imam Hasan (A.S.) and (the conception of) Imam Husain (A.S.) was a Tuhr (a period of cleanliness between two consecutive menses), while between their birth six months and ten days."
    What is meant here is the minimum period of cleanliness, which is of ten days. Imam Hasan (A.S.) was born on the fifteenth of the month of Ramazan in the year of the battle of Badr i.e. second year of Migration (Hijrah).
    Besides, it is related that the distance between (the birth of) Imam Hasan (A.S.) and (the conception of) Imam Husain (A.S.) was not a period of a Tuhr (cleanliness) , and Imam Husain (A.S.) remained in his mother's womb for six months.
    It is written in the Manaqib of Ibne Shahr Ashob from Kitab al Anwar , that Allah, the Exalted, sent felicitations to His Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) regarding the conception and birth of Imam Husain (A.S.) while condoling him for his martyrdom. When Hazrat Fatemah az Zahra (A.S.) was informed about it, she was grieved, then the following verse was revealed,
    "With trouble did his mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth, and the bearing and the weaning of him was thirty months" [5]
    Normally a woman's period of pregnancy is of nine months, and no child born in six months can survive, except Prophet Isa (A.S.) and Imam Husain (A.S.). [6]
    Shaikh Sadooq, through his chain of transmitters, quotes from Safiyyah binte Abdul Muttalib, that she said: When Imam Husain (A.S.) was born, I was attending to his mother. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) came to me and said,
    "O Aunt! Bring my son to me."
    I replied that I had not yet purified him. He replied,
    "Will you purify him? Rather Allah, the Exalted, has cleansed and purified him."
    In another tradition it is related that Safiyyah says that she then gave the child to the Prophet who placed his tongue in his mouth, and Imam Husain (A..S.) started licking it. Safiyyah says that I strongly perceive that the Prophet did not give him anything else except milk and honey. She says that then the child urinated and the Prophet planted a kiss in the centre of his eyes and wept, then handing him over to me said,
    "O my dear son! May Allah curse the people who will kill you",
    And he repeated it thrice. I asked, "May my parents be your ransom! Who will kill him"? And he replied,
    "The oppressive group to emerge from among the Bani Umayyah."
    It is related that the Prophet recited the Azan in his right ear and Iqamah in the left one. Imam Ali Zainul Abedeen (A.S.) relates that the Holy Prophet himself recited the Azaan in the ears of Imam Husain (A.S.) the day he was born. Besides it is related that on the seventh day the Aqiqa was performed and two white charming sheep were sacrificed, one thigh of which along with gold Ashrafi (a gold coin) was given to the mid-wife. The hair of the child was shaven off and silver equal to it's weight was given as charity, then scent was applied on the child's head.
    The Trustworthy Authority of Islam Shaikh Kulaini relates that Imam Husain (A.S.) did not drink milk from his mother Hazrat Fatemah (A.S.) or any other woman. He was always brought to the presence of the Holy Prophet who gave him his thumb to suck. Imam Husain (A.S.) sucked his thumb and then would remain satiated for two or three days. Thus Imam Husain (A.S.)'s flesh and blood was formed from the flesh and blood of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.).
    Shaikh Sadooq (May Allah sanctify his grave) quotes Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (A.S.) as saying that when Imam Husain (A.S.) was born, Allah commanded Jibra'eel to descend upon the earth with a thousand Angels and congratulate the Prophet on His behalf and himself. Jibra'eel descended and on the way he passed by an island where an Angel named Fitrus, who was a bearer of the empyrean, lay there banished. Allah had once assigned a job to Fitrus who delayed it due to laziness; hence Allah took away his wings and expelled him to the island. Fitrus worshipped Allah there for seven hundred years until the time Imam Husain (A.S.) was born. When Fitrus saw Jibra'eel he inquired of him as to where was he going. Jibra'eel answered that, "Allah, the Exalted, has bestowed His Blessings (Imam Husain) upon Mohammad (S.A.W.), thus Allah has commanded me to go and congratulate him on His behalf and myself." Fitrus said, "Then O Jibra'eel! Take me too along with you to the presence of the Prophet, perhaps he might pray for me." Ji bra'eel lifted him up and brought him to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). When he reached there he offered condolence to him on behalf of Allah and him self, then he presented the matter of Fitrus. The Prophet commanded Fitrus to touch himself with the body of Imam Husain (a.s) and arise. Fitrus did so and ascended upwards saying, "O Prophet of Allah! This son of your's will be mercilessly killed by your nation. Therefore it is incumbent upon me in exchange of this favour that I recompense. Hence there is no person who visits his grave except that I receive him, and there is no Muslim who offers salutations to him or who prays for him except that I take it to his presence and carry his message." Saying this Fitrus flew away. In another narrative it is related that Fitrus flew away saying, "Who is similar to me? For I am a freed one of Husain (s.a.s), the son of Ali (A.S.) and Fatemah (A.S.), whose Grandfather is Ahmed (S.A.W.)."
    Shaikh Toosi relates in misbah that Qasim bin Abul Ala'a Hamadani (the agent of Imam Ali an Naqi) received a written pronouncement from Imam al Mahdi (A.S.) which read as follows: Our Master Imam Husain bin Ali (A.S.) was born on Thursday, the third of the month of Sha'ban, therefore fast on that day and recite this supplication: "O Allah! I ask you in the name of the one who is born this day (till the end)" Furthermore the following words are quoted: "Fitrus took shelter under his cradle, and we seek shelter after him under his grave."
    Sayyed ibne Tawoos says in Malhoof that there was no Angel in the Heavens who did not turn up to congratulate the Prophet (S.A.W.) on the birth of Imam Husain (A..S.) and condole him for his martyrdom, and revealed the reward reserved for the Imam. They showed him the grave of Imam Husain (A.S.), and the Prophet prayed,
    "O Allah! Forsake him, who forsakes Husain, and slay him who slays Husain, and do not bestow abundance to the one who wishes to derive advantage from his death."[7]
    [5]Surah al Ahqaf: 15.
    [6] The author says that we strongly perceive that in reality the above verse refers to Imam Husain (A.S.) and Prophet Yahya (A.S.) (and not Prophet Isa) for their lives were quite identical to one another while the period of their mother's pregnancy was the same. It is related that Prophet Yahya (A.S.) remained in his mother's womb for six months as Imam Husain (A.S.), whereas in the case of Prophet Isa (A.S.), it is found in numerous traditions that his mother bore him for a very short period viz. nine hours, each hour equal to a month, and this seems quite acceptable. It is related that Ummul Fazl, the wife of Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (the uncle of the Prophet) who nurtured Imam Husain (A.S.), recited some couplets eulo gizing him.
    [7] Ibne Shahr Ashob writes in Manaqib that one day Jibra'eel descend ed and saw Hazrat Fatemah (A.S.) sleeping while Imam Husain (A..S.) was feeling restless and weeping. Jibra'eel sat down and consoled and played with the child until Hazrat Fatemah (A.S.) awoke, and the Prophet apprised her of this. Sayyed Hashim Husain Bahrani quotes in his Madinatul Ma'ajiz from Sharhabeel bin Abi Awf, that when Imam Husain (A.S.) was born, an Angel from among the Angels of the High Paradise descended and went to the Great Sea and called out between the Heavens and the earth, "O servants of Allah! Wear the dress of grief and sorrow, and mourn, for the son of Mohammad (S.A.W.) lies beheaded, oppressed and subdued."

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    Bhai Achi Sharing hai Par A.S sirf Nabion or Farishton ke sath lagta hai

  3. #3
    azfarzz is offline Junior Member
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    MAIN NAI TAHIR-UL-QADRI ka bayan suna tha kay IMAM kay sath AS lugta hai vo aik buhat buray SUNNI SCHOLAR HAIN main link share ku dun ga

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    naqshbandios_limra's Avatar
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    Nahin brother a.s. siraf aur siraf Nabioun aur farishtoun ke saath lagta ha, aur jo koi bhi ye laqab kisi gaer-e-nabi ke saath lagaye, wo gunah ka murtakib ha.

    Khyal rakhye
    Khanqah Daruslam

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    Quote azfarzz said: View Post
    MAIN NAI TAHIR-UL-QADRI ka bayan suna tha kay IMAM kay sath AS lugta hai vo aik buhat buray SUNNI SCHOLAR HAIN main link share ku dun ga
    bhai aap haq per hain a.s hee lagta hai .aur r.a sirf Rasool pak s.a.w.w k sahabio k sath lagta hai.Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s Rasool pak s.a.w.w k sahabi nahi nawasy hain

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    Reehab is offline Senior Member
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    Quote umairabbas62 said: View Post
    bhai aap haq per hain a.s hee lagta hai .aur r.a sirf Rasool pak s.a.w.w k sahabio k sath lagta hai.Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s Rasool pak s.a.w.w k sahabi nahi nawasy hain
    bari ajeeb he bat kahe aap ne . is terah hazrat Usman Ghani RA ke sath bhi AWS lage akhir damad hein nbai pak SAW ke aru wohi 2 betiuon ke then.

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